I constantly hear people saying that they need to go somewhere to get their creative juices flowing. For me, getting back to nature always works.
All of us are different when it comes to finding inspiration or headspace to do our best work and thinking. Being in a new environment and moving around not only generates blood flow, it provides stimulus for new ideas to which we otherwise would not have been exposed.
More recently, I've also been speaking to a lot of people who are finding inspiration through being amongst others from different walks of life and industries in shared workspaces.
For getting some headspace, #inguz loves:
Meditation Studio App for you and your family - https://www.meditationstudioapp.com/
Weekend Long Walks and Hikes - https://www.aussiebushwalking.com/
WOTSO Fortitude Valley - https://www.wotsoworkspace.com.au/brisbane/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoY2upL2u1wIVmTUrCh3KIQIcEAAYASAAEgJp7fD_BwE
Newstead Studios - http://newsteadstudios.com.au/
Spare Workspace Australia - https://spareworkspace.com.au/
Creative Block book - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18296071-creative-block