Where is that from? It's a question we ask each other all the time and to which we normally respond with a store name, but look beyond what you initially see and you'll make better choices. I've been guilty of impulse buying (yes, even at the supermarket) but some education now sees me thinking through my decisions as a consumer. Whilst not always possible, I love to talk to the people behind the produce or products that bring positivity and wellbeing to the lives of others. If you were to go through the items in your wardrobe or pantry, could you name where they are actually from? It's a small question that can have a big impact. It's also an amazing feeling to eat or wear something that you know is making a positive contribution to the makers, local producers as well as the health of you and your family.
The pineapple in this photo is from Jan Powers farmers markets, a food market that brings the community together in New Farm every Saturday morning http://www.janpowersfarmersmarkets.com.au/
Striped 100% organic cotton and Australian made dress from Vege Threads 100% from Stitch Piece Loop at Noosa Junction https://www.vegethreads.com/