Living the life of a creative is not always easy but this fun and quirky guide by Adam J. Kurtz (with an introduction by Grace Bonney from my one of my favourites @designsponge) brings you snippets of sanity when you feel like you could be the only one out there having an off day.
Have you fallen into the comparison trap before? Got stuck on ideas? Felt like you were going mad working from home? In this pocket guide, Adam calls out (through fun notes displayed on a notepad), the things we all worry about but don't necessarily have a lot of opportunity or courage to discuss. As Adam says in the book, what is a creative anyway? I once heard Sting define creativity in an interview as being willing to take a risk - I agree with this. So much of what creatives do goes against the natural human inclination to concern ourselves with what others think or do, but it's doing what we do for the love of it and at our own speed that often produces the best outcomes.
So next time you're sitting at your computer, desk, easel or studio worrying about where your next idea will come from, remember that the person behind that brilliant drawing, painting, photo or idea that you're admiring has had that same thought, probably more than just once.
This is a fun reference with a cheery colour palette to keep on your desk or bedside table. It can be ordered via the link at @thingsarewhatyoumakeofthem.